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There's a New Wave in Online Shopping — And These Strategies Are Fueling All The Success
Niche marketplaces have a number of competitive advantages over horizontal platforms: a product focus that simplifies the searching process for customers and increases variety within a specific category, a loyal and unique audience that comes to a marketplace with a specific request, high sales conversion, profitability owing to lower commission, lower barrier to entry for sellers and a high expertise of the platform in working with the target niche...
(Source: Entrepreneur.com)
8 Must Watch Movies For Entrepreneurs
Diving into the world of cinema can reveal a treasure trove of valuable lessons for entrepreneurs. Relentless hustle, resilience, and resourcefulness are just some of the entrepreneurial characteristics that are explored in films. But along with a humanistic focus, it's also important to shine a light on the darker sides of success.
Here are the eight movies recommended by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs...
(Source: Inc.com)
Keep Strategy Simple
Few companies have a clear idea of where strategy making ends and execution begins. As a result they develop strategic plans where they’re not required and fail to develop strategic plans where they are...
(Source: Harvard Business Review)
Strategies During Pandemic for Restaurant and Café Businesses Using Business Model Canvas
This article discusses how we can employ BMC to identify and develop a few possible activities or schemes for the F&B industry during this difficult year, in particular, the restaurant and café businesses... we will examine not only the concerns with the shrinking revenue but also the issues with managing the cost incurred at the back-end part of your BMC...
(Source: The European Business Review)
Investigation into the Hub-and-Spoke model using brand and frequent-flyer program
This paper offers insights into in the hub-and-spoke airline business model discipline. The author suggests that the role of strong brands and frequent flyer program to attract passengers travelling via a hub have diminished. Nowadays, even FSC passengers are more concern with airfare.
(Source: Journal of Airline and Airport Management)
Again, airlines within airlines: The case of Singapore Airlines and Tiger Airways
It is interesting to observe how Singapore Airlines and Tiger Airways are going to face the future. Are they going to create new insights for others to learn and replicate their successful experiments or will they just reiterate the findings that many researchers have revealed? Only time can really tell...
(Source: Singapore Business Review)
Media Sosial Jadi Peluang UMKM Lebih Terekspos
...perkembangan UMKM di Indonesia terhambat oleh kurangnya literasi digital. Terlebih bagi mereka para pemilik UMKM dari generasi sebelum milenial, seperti Baby Boomer dan generasi X. Country Manager Exabytes Indonesia Indra Hartawan mengatakan bahwa di era saat ini jika tidak bersaing di dunia digital, usaha UMKM bisa kalah dengan sama para pelaku usaha lainnya terutama yang sering bikin khawatir, kehadiran barang-barang murah dari China...
(Source: Bisnis.com)
How to Turn Professional Services Into Products
Product management is one of the fastest-growing roles in business, having gained increased scope and importance in Silicon Valley. While product managers used to be hired almost exclusively by technology companies, they are now being recruited in growing numbers by service-oriented businesses as well, with firms such as Accenture, Chase, JPMorgan, Optum, and Vanguard adding product management functions in the past few years. Why are services companies looking to add product capabilities to their organizations?
(Source: MIT Sloan Management Review)
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